Home Garden

How to Prune a Blueberry

Pruning your blueberry bush is one of the most important aspects of its care. As a general rule, blueberry bushes should be narrow at the base and open in the center, which allows sunlight to reach the canes. Blueberry plants also should be free of vegetative clutter -- it is vital that pruning takes place each year to avoid cane overcrowding. Pruning is a relatively easy process, once you establish a plan of action.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand pruner
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      Visualize the desired outcome before you begin. This will help you establish a basic plan and decide how much to cut.

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      Prune during the dormant season, ideally between the months of January and March.

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      Make all cuts with a hand pruner or lopper. Begin with canes that are broken, dead or show signs of pests and disease.

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      Cut off canes that are dragging on the ground. Also remove canes that are close enough to the ground that they likely will touch the ground once loaded with fruit.

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      Cut back a cane if it is touching another cane, or blocking the growth of a neighboring cane.

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      Cut off short shoots that tend to grow from the base of the plant.