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How to Prune Hedge Roses

Regular pruning before a rose blooms is the key to maintaining a healthy and productive rose. When your roses are used to create a hedge, the job becomes a little easier because the goal is to have a lot of green coverage to create a screen or barrier. Unlike regular rose pruning, where you cut the plant practically to the ground, hedge pruning is all about upkeep of what is already there.

Things You'll Need

  • Thick work gloves
  • Eye goggles or safety glasses
  • Pruning shears


    • 1

      Clip off any of the wayward branches sticking out from the hedge. Before you can shape your hedge, remove these branches, which may poke or hurt you while you work.

    • 2

      Prune along the sides of your hedge and trim away branches following your imaginary hedge shaping. Once the sides are cleared, continue working around to the top of your imaginary lines.

    • 3

      Look over the entire hedge for any broken branches or signs of disease and remove these portions. Dispose of all rose clippings either in the trash or by burning. Composting is not recommended because of the thorns and the risk of spreading disease.

    • 4

      Learn the frequency of pruning for your rose variety. While it is fine to prune most roses once in late winter to early spring, some varieties can withstand pruning after flowering.