Home Garden

How to Dry Rose Hips for Wreaths

After unpicked rose blossoms have faded and fallen from the bush, rose hips will often develop. Resembling a berry, rose hips can be dried to make a variety of things such as tea, potpourri or wreaths. The way that you choose to dry the rose hips will determine the condition of the final product you will have to work with. In addition, you can help preserve the fruit by coating it before drying.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • Fine sieve
  • Regular household floor wax
  • Waxed paper
  • Cookie sheet


    • 1

      Place the rose hips in a fine sieve and hold it over a bowl. Only put in enough rose hips to cover the bottom of the sieve in a single layer so they will be evenly coated. If you have a large number of rose hips, separate them into batches.

    • 2

      Pour regular household floor wax over the rose hips to coat them. This will protect their skins and keep them fresh-looking.

    • 3

      Allow the floor wax to drain through the sieve, and gently shake the coated rose hips onto a cookie sheet covered with wax paper.

    • 4

      Place the cookie sheet in a dark, dry, well-ventilated place for two to three weeks before using the rose hips to make a wreath. Once they've dried, the rose hips will be hard and possibly darker in color than fresh rose hips.