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How to Apply Sulfur to Roses

Although roses require lots of attention if you want to grow show-quality flowers, they are otherwise almost carefree. To keep them looking their best, prune them, supply them with water and fertilizer and treat them for the many pests and diseases they attract. Powdery mildew, rust and botrytis are common rose fungal diseases that can be prevented with good cultural practices and sulfur applications. Whether you choose dusting or wettable formulas, sulfur is easy to apply to roses.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray tank or bottle


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      Apply the sulfur at the first sign of disease, or in early spring, on dormant roses, as a preventive measure. If you live in a region with warm spring weather, wait until the temperature is forecast to remain below 90 degrees Fahrenheit to apply the sulfur.

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      Dust the rose with the sulfur powder so that all surfaces are completely covered. If you use the product as a spray, mix it with the required amount of water and spray the rose thoroughly until all parts of it are covered. Stay out of the treated area for 24 hours after application.

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      Reapply the sulfur according to the schedule listed on the package or after a heavy rain.