Home Garden

How to Water & Trim Roses

Roses are prized for their flowers, and are often used to represent love and beauty. Many varieties of roses exist, and choosing the right one for your climate and landscape can help ensure a healthy, vibrant floral display. Like all plants, roses must receive the proper amount of water so they can flourish. Trimming the roses can help them grow by focusing their energies on a few select branches.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Pruning shears
  • Alcohol gel


    • 1

      Water the soil around the rose until it is soaked 12 to 18 inches deep on a weekly basis. If the leaves and buds appear to be dry under the hot sun, spray them with a fine mist from a spray bottle to help protect them. Don't allow the roses to sit in standing water; during periods of extensive rainfall, cut back on supplementary watering.

    • 2

      Cut away any dead or diseased leaves or wilted flowers with a pair of sharp pruning shears. Sterilize the shears between cuts by rubbing alcohol hand gel over the blades, to prevent spreading disease.

    • 3

      Examine the base of the rose plant. If you see any offshoots along a base stem or emerging from the ground near the base, cut them off at ground level with the pruning shears.