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How to Grow Fenugreek Indoors

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is an annual herb species grown for its aromatic leaves and seeds, which are used in cooking and traditional medicine. The slender, upright stems grow 3 feet high and feature a dense covering of pale-green, ovate leaves, which strongly resemble clover. Fenugreek grows well indoors if provided with a large container, regular watering and plenty of sunshine. Do not fertilize it since it drops its leaves and become leggy.

Things You'll Need

  • 3-inch deep plastic pot
  • Potting soil
  • Perlite
  • Spray bottle
  • Ceramic planter
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    • 1

      Fill the bottom 2 inches of a 3-inch deep plastic pot with potting soil. Place two fenugreek seeds on the surface. Cover the seeds with a three-quarter inch thick layer of soil.

    • 2

      Mist the soil inside the pot using a spray bottle. Add water until the top inch is fully saturated. Water the seeds whenever the top half-inch feels dry.

    • 3

      Place the pot on a bright, sunny windowsill where temperatures stay above 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Watch for germination in three to five days.

    • 4

      Transplant the fenugreek seedlings into a large ceramic planter filled with 4 parts sterile potting soil and 1 part perlite as soon as they grow to 2 inches high.

    • 5

      Place the ceramic planter close to a south- or west-facing window with bright light. Make sure temperatures surrounding the planter stay above 70 F at all times.

    • 6

      Water the fenugreek plant moderately, providing only enough water keeping the top few inches of soil barely moist.

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      Rotate the ceramic planter a half-revolution once a week providing even sun exposure to all parts of the fenugreek plant.

    • 8

      Harvest the leaves as soon as the plant grows 6 inches high with several strong stems. Do not harvest too heavily from any one branch.

    • 9

      Harvest the seeds in late summer as soon as the long, slender pods dry out and appear dull brown.