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How to Grow Medicinal Herbs Indoors

Medicinal herbs have been used for thousands of years and many traditional pharmaceuticals are based on herbal medicine with aspirin and digitalis being commonly known. Herbs of all kinds, including medicinal, can be grown indoors if an outdoor garden space isn't available. By growing the herbs indoors, you can have them available year-round. Some examples of medicinal herbs that work well in containers include basil, catnip, lavender, marigolds, parsley, rosemary, sage and thyme. Many of these herbs can be used in cooking also.

Things You'll Need

  • Growing containers
  • Sterilized potting soil
  • Coarse sand
  • Large tub or bucket
  • Pebbles or small glass beads
  • Medicinal herb seed
  • Plastic wrap
  • General-purpose organic fertilizer
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    • 1

      Pick growing containers with good drainage that will fit windowsills or plant stands.

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      Combine two parts sterilized potting soil with one part coarse sand in a large tub or bucket. For example, you would need 10 lb. potting soil and 5 lb. sand to make the mixture.

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      Fill the growing containers 1 inch deep with pebbles or glass beads.

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      Fill the container to within 1/2 inch of the top with the potting soil mixture.

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      Water the mixture until water drains from the bottom of the container.

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      Sprinkle the medicinal herb seed of your choice over the moist surface of the soil. Cover with additional soil as directed on the seed packet for depth.

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      Cover the containers loosely with a sheet of plastic wrap. Remove the plastic when the seedlings emerge from the ground.

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      Place the containers on a southern or west-facing windowsill or plant stand beneath the window.

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      Water as needed to keep the soil moist to the touch. Turn the plants every few days in the window to keep the plants growing straight.

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      Apply a general purpose organic fertilize to the medicinal herbs every three months following label instructions.