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How to Use Milk in Planting

Milk, whether from cows or goats, is full of nutrients and can be used as nutrition and to prevent mildew on many plants. Although it doesn't matter what the fat content is in the milk, you may want to use skim milk if putting it in a garden sprayer -- fatty milk can clog the sprayer tip.

Things You'll Need

  • Milk
  • Garden sprayer
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      Combine 10 percent milk with 90 percent water in a spray bottle. It does not matter what the fat content of the milk is.

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      Spray your cucurbits, tomatoes, asters or zinnia foliage every 3 to 4 days with a fine mist of the milk/water combination at the first sign of mildew. You can also spray this mixture as a preventative measure if you've had mildew issues in the past.

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      Combine 2 oz. of milk in 18 oz. of water in a spray to treat mosaic disease in cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce. Spray the leaves thoroughly every 7 to 10 days.

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      Mix a cup of milk in 4 cups of water and feed a cup of it to your plants about once a week. Because the milk contains calcium, it will help your plants build their cell walls. The milk will also help keep soil acidity under control.