Home Garden

How to Use Piranha Spray for Wallpaper Removal

Wallpaper can be a quick, easy way to add color and pattern to a room in your home. But when it comes time to update your rooms, wallpaper can be an absolute nightmare to paint over, since it doesn’t always accept paint well. You can move wallpaper to make life easier. Using a scoring tool, Piranha Wallpaper Remover and a scraper, you can get rid of the wallpaper and make updating your living spaces a breeze.

Things You'll Need

  • Wallpaper scoring tool
  • Metal wallpaper scraper
  • Piranha Wallpaper Remover
  • Sponge
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      Score the wallpaper by running a circular scoring tool across the entire surface. This creates small holes in the wallpaper for the Piranha solution to seep into.

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      Use a foam roller to apply the Piranha solution to the wall or spray it on.

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      Let it soak for 15 minutes. If the wallpaper doesn't begin to pop up and bubble, apply a second coat and let it sit on the wallpaper for 15 to 20 minutes.

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      Scrape off the wallpaper with a metal wallpaper scraping tool.