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How to Grow Maitake Mushrooms in Japan

Growing maitake mushrooms in Japan is easier than growing it elsewhere in the world. Maitake mushrooms originally grew at the base of oak trees in northeastern Japan. They have long been used in Eastern medicine and are known to be good for health. Mushrooms are purported to have anti-cancer properties, but studies are inconclusive. These mushrooms can be grown in careful conditions around the world, but they are easiest to grow in Japan, especially in the northeastern regions.

Things You'll Need

  • Maitake mushroom spawn
  • Oak tree, wood or sawdust
  • Soil


    • 1

      Place the maitake mushroom spawn in a wooden log or among wood chips and sawdust in a container or in the ground.

    • 2

      Cover the spawn with soil that, ideally, has a pH of 5.5 to 6.0 to provide nutrients and support to the mushrooms.

    • 3

      Ensure the temperature is kept around 59 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 4

      Keep the moisture level at about the 90 percent level, but no higher, as it could cause the maitake mushroom to rot. Monitor the humidity levels daily. Take action to shield the mushrooms from too much moisture, if it gets to 95 percent or higher.