Home Garden

How to Grow Shaggy Mane Mushrooms

Shaggy mane mushrooms belong to the Coprinus genus, although this common name usually refers specifically to C. comatus. They are also known as "inky caps" because the caps decompose into an ink-like liquid when they age. Shaggy mane mushrooms are highly edible, but are not commercially available since they do not keep well. Home gardeners frequently grow shaggy mane mushrooms since they should be used immediately after harvest.

Things You'll Need

  • Temperature-controlled basement
  • Compost
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      Purchase a shaggy mane spawn kit from a garden supplier. This kit typically consists of a solid block of sawdust and grain inoculated with shaggy mane spores.

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      Select a planting site for the shaggy mane mushrooms spores. These spores grow best in a basement or some other area where you can control the temperature. Shaggy mane mushrooms are relatively tolerant of temperature, so you may also obtain positive results outside in cool climates.

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      Remove the spawn block from its bag and bury the spawn block in an active compost pile in the spring according to the manufacturer's instructions. Kitchen waste makes the best compost for shaggy mane mushrooms.

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      Maintain a temperature of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit until the shaggy mushrooms sprout, which typically takes at least three months. Lower the temperature to between 58 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit to allow the mushrooms to grow their fruiting body, commonly known as the mushroom's cap.

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      Harvest shaggy mane mushroom caps in the fall when they are between 1 and 2 inches in diameter. Do not pick mushroom caps that are turning dark. Cook the caps immediately after picking them and store them in the refrigerator. The stems of the shaggy mane are also edible and last longer than the caps.