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How to Make Mushrooms Grow

Though often eaten as a vegetable, mushrooms are not plants; rather, they're a member of the fungi family, reproducing by means of microscopic spores. Though many species of wild mushroom are poisonous, or have a psychoactive effect when ingested, many others are edible and cultivated worldwide. Growing your own mushrooms is quite easy, provided you begin with a quantity of "spawn" --- a mixture of spores and grain. When placed in the right environment the spawn springs to life, rapidly growing a crop of delicious mushrooms ready for harvest.


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      Prepare the mushroom environment. What your spawn needs for best results will vary depending on the species. Oyster mushrooms can be raised in a paper milk carton full of compost, with holes punched in the sides for the sprouts to grow through. Shiitake grows best in holes bored in the side of a log, while wine caps can be planted directly in your garden.

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      Purchase spawn from an online retailer or your local greenhouse and introduce it to the environment. If starting it in compost, mix it thoroughly through the substance. Plant garden mushrooms in a small dish of compost to allow the mycelium to grow for a few weeks before transferring it outside. If growing shiitake, bore 1-inch holes in the side of a log --- ideally one 40 inches long and 6 inches in diameter. Fill the holes with spawn, and seal the openings with melted candle wax.

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      Keep the spawn moist. Dampen the compost and water mushrooms planted in your garden regularly. Submerge mushroom logs once for 24 hours in a water trough or pond to encourage growth, if raising shiitake or a similar species.

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      Maintain a steady room temperature during the growing process. Mushrooms need a relatively warm environment for proper growth. Wait to plant mushrooms in your garden until the soil has reached a temperature of at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Wait for the crop to sprout. The time this takes varies depending on the spawn you're using --- shiitake will appear two to four days after soaking the log, while oyster and portobello mushrooms can take a month or more. Harvest with a knife.