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The Best Time to Plant Garlic

When gardeners think of planting season, many of them think of the spring. To grow garlic, you must operate on a slightly different schedule. As the rest of your garden winds down, start thinking about planting garlic.
  1. Planting

    • The best time to plant garlic is in the fall. Plant two or three weeks after the first killing frost, so that roots and shoots begin emerging from the clove -- but not above the soil -- before the first hard freeze at 28 degrees Fahrenheit. A local extension office can help you pick the best planting time for garlic in your area.


    • Like many hardy bulbs, garlic benefits from exposure to the cold. Garlic planted in the spring often develops weak shoots and poor bulb development.


    • Garlic does not easily produce seeds, meaning that gardeners cultivate garlic from cloves instead. When preparing a garlic bed in the fall, loosen the soil and provide an amendment, if necessary, to give garlic the well-drained, fertile soil it needs to produce large, well-shaped bulbs.