Home Garden

How to Germinate a Four O'Clock Seed

Four o'clock flowers (Mirablis nyctaginea) are upright perennials reaching 4 1/2 feet in height. Thick, deep roots anchor this shrub-like plant in the ground. The green, triangular leaves are 3 inches long with a white vein down the center. Trumpet-shaped flowers bloom from July through September. The pink, purple, red, yellow or white flowers open up in the afternoon and close again in the evening. The egg-shaped seeds are large, hairy and gray-brown with five raised stripes down the sides. With correct handling, four o'clock seeds germinate within two weeks.

Things You'll Need

  • Saucer
  • Small container
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Bleach
  • Potting soil
  • Sand
  • Spray bottle
  • Plant pot
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      Fill a clean saucer with room temperature water and submerge the seed in the water. Place the saucer in an out-of-way place and let the seed soak overnight. In the morning, the seed should be swollen and well watered.

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      Wash a small container with soapy water and rinse in one part bleach mixed with nine parts water. This process sterilizes the container by eliminating lurking insect pests and plant diseases.

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      Mix together one part potting soil with one part clean sand to create a quick draining soil mixture that holds enough moisture for seed germination. Fill the container with the soil mixture 3/4 full. Leave the soil loose and do not compact it down.

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      Lay the four o'clock seed on top of the soil. Cover the seed with 1/4 inch of sand. Mist the soil with water from a spray bottle of room temperature water. Keep the soil moist while the seed is germinating.

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      Turn the plant pot every day after the seed has sprouted to keep it growing straight. Transplant the seedling into a larger container once it reaches 2 to 4 inches tall. Plant the young plant outside once all danger of a spring frost is passed.