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How to Germinate Cornflowers

Cornflowers are a common wildflower that grow as annuals or perennials, depending on the hardiness zone. Cornflowers germinate easily and are low maintenance once they sprout. The bright blossoms make them an appropriate companion plant for annual grasses and other wildflowers. Germinating cornflowers simple involves planting them at the appropriate depth and providing enough sunlight and moisture. The flowers will sprout in the spring or fall.

Things You'll Need

  • Tiller
  • Rake
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      Select a planting site in the early fall or late spring. The site should have full sun and well draining soil.

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      Pull out the weeds in the planting site. Till the soil at a depth of 6 inches. Remove any stones and rake the soil so it has an even surface.

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      Scatter the cornflower seeds over the smooth soil. Rake 1/5-inch layer of soil over the seeds. Water until the soil settles. Continue watering frequently enough to keep the soil moist.

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      Wait two to four weeks for the cornflower to germinate.