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What Kind of Soil Do I Need to Grow Scallions?

Among the exotic edibles gardeners often grow is the scallion. Known as the green onion or the bunching onion, scallions lend an air of freshness to salads or soups. These little onions are not difficult at all to grow, provided they are given the right kind of environment from the start. Rich soil and proper nutrition are all it takes to go from a packet of seeds to bunches of green, tasty scallions.
  1. Containers are Ideal

    • Containers provide ideal growing conditions due to the ease with which you can manipulate the soil conditions. Scallions need very little space between individual plants, owing to their small root systems, and a healthy stand can be grown in a small space. Containerizing scallions also makes weeding a simple chore.

    Ideal Soil

    • Scallions are somewhat flexible in the kinds of soil they will tolerate, but thrive in rich, loose soil. Soil should be well-draining and amended thoroughly with organic material such as compost. The ideal pH for growing scallions is 6.2 to 6.8. Highly acid soils will result in scallions that fail to thrive or die completely.

    Correct Nitrogen Sources

    • Scallions are heavy feeders, but they are particular about the kinds of nutrients that they need. Nitrogen is crucial to a strong scallion crop, but too much ammonium fertilizer can kill your scallions. At least 25 percent of the nitrogen fertilizer you apply to your scallions should be in the form of nitrate. Unfortunately, this type of fertilizer tends to leach during rain, making small, frequent applications necessary.

    Other Important Nutrients

    • Nutrients aside from nitrogen can be worked directly in the soil prior to planting your scallion crop. The most important macro-nutrients for scallions are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur. Boron and zinc are vital micro-nutrients. Amend the soil with nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, boron and zinc. Apply phosphorus in a band, 2 inches below the surface of the soil, and in strips 2 inches away from scallion seeds.