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How to Grow a Cactus in California

Cacti are extremely tolerant plants. Cacti encompass more than 2,000 plants, all of which are succulents. California is well-suited to growing cacti because of its consistently warm climate and large share of arid regions. Growing cacti takes relatively less care than most other plant species because of their exceptionally high resistance to drought. You will find growing cacti in California to be rewarding and satisfying if you follow a few simple steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Porous soil/potting mix
  • Low-nitrogen fertilizer
  • Planter
  • Water
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      Purchase a highly porous potting mix. Cacti require a potting mix that drains well so that the soil does not stay saturated with water for long periods of time. Perlite, peat or pumice are all solid choices for a potting mix because of their high porosity.

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      Feed your cacti a low-nitrogen fertilizer every time you water it during its growing season. The growing season for cacti in California ranges from early spring to mid-autumn.

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      Grow your cactus in California indoors or outdoors. If you decide that you want to grow your cactus indoors, place it in a sunny window with warm daytime temperatures. More sunlight is best when growing cacti in California. If you want to grow your cacti outdoors, place it in a spot that receives direct sunlight all day.

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      Grow your cactus in a pot. This will allow you to bring the cactus indoors if the weather becomes too cold at night. The size of the pot is one of the factors that determines how large your cactus will be, so plant your cactus in a large pot if you want it to achieve maximum growth. The depth and diameter of the pot should be at least half the length of your cactus.

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      Water your cactus conservatively approximately once every 10 days. It needs only enough water to make the soil damp, so do not drench it. Depending on the temperature and whether you keep your cactus indoors or outdoors, you may have to water it one more time per week if you keep it outdoors or once every two weeks if you keep it indoors. Cacti store water from within, so you can let the soil stay dry for days or even a couple of weeks before watering again.