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How to Grow a Dancing Bones Cactus

When the word "cactus" comes up, most people think of towering, spiny specimens like Joshua Tree cacti and Saguaros. The Dancing Bones cactus, though, features long, thin, finger-sized growths and a cascading growth habit. This Hatiora cactus grows best in hanging, protected pots and provides bright green beauty in and out of the house. Keep Dancing Bones cacti in standard cactus growing foundations and in partial sun for best results.

Things You'll Need

  • Pot
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Potting soil
  • Twine/wire
  • Paper towel
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      Use a 5-gallon hanging basket with drainage hole for this cascading cactus. Large pots eliminate the need for immediate repotting while drainage holes guarantee quick drainage for cactus roots.

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      Mix fine potting soil with sand in equal parts and add several handfuls of gravel to build a loose, quick-draining potting soil for the cactus. Lay a paper towel in the bottom of the pot to save the soil, and fill the pot 3/4 full of the mixture.

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      Plant Dancing Bones cacti as seeds or seedlings, 1 to 2 inches below the soil surface, in springtime. If you plant seedlings, plant them just deeply enough to cover the roots. Cacti like to be close to the surface for air and water.

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      Hang the pots in an area with indirect, filtered or partial light. Dancing Bones cacti burn in bright all-day sun. Hang the pot outdoors during spring and summer, but bring it into the house before first frost to protect the cactus.

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      Water the cactus with 2 inches of water every two to three weeks. Dancing Bones cacti thrive with infrequent waters.