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How to Grow Opuntia Cactus

The Opuntia genus includes around 300 cacti species, including the well-known prickly pear cactus. The plants in this family develop in segments. The prickly pear, for example, has pads that grow off of each other. On cholla cacti, the segments are cylindrical. Opuntia's territory encompasses arid and semiarid areas from southern Canada to the southern tip of South America. There is wide diversity within the genus, but a few requirements are shared among the various Opuntia cactus species.

Things You'll Need

  • Sandy soil
  • Pot, as needed
  • Fan (optional)
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      Plant Opuntia cacti in sandy soil whether you grow it outdoors or in a pot. A blend of equal parts sandy loam, crushed brick and sand is an ideal potting mix.

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      Grow Opuntia species outdoors year-round if the temperature stays at or above 50 degrees Fahrenheit where you live. Otherwise, pot the plant and take it indoors for the winter.

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      Water potted Opuntia cacti whenever the soil becomes completely dry. Outside, the plants tolerate moisture differently. Prickly pears can take slightly more soil dampness than cholla, for example.

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      Ventilate the room with an open window or a fan on low. Plant outdoor Opuntia species in areas where vegetation or structures do not restrict air flow around the cacti.