Home Garden

How to Repot Aeonium

Aeonium plants are little rosettes of colorful succulent leaves. Typically grown in containers, sometimes several to a pot, the immature aeonium hugs the soil, while in maturity it sports a flower stalk that may grow to 8 inches in height. Most die after flowering. Native to North Africa, Madeira and the Canary Islands, aeonium prefers a Mediterranean climate when grown outdoors, but do well inside the home, given the appropriate amount of light. Repot the aeonium in fall.

Things You'll Need

  • Planting pot
  • Potting soil
  • Sand
  • Pumice
  • Scissors or snips
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    • 1

      Choose the next size planting pot – one size larger in diameter -- for the aeonium. Unglazed terracotta pots, because they are porous, are ideal for this plant.

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      Create a potting mix that contains one part each of potting soil, sand and pumice. Mix the ingredients well and moisten the mix evenly.

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      Pour the potting mix into the new pot until it is three-fourths full.

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      Remove the aeonium from its current pot carefully, to avoid breaking the rosette. If it is a taller species, hold the stem with one hand while slipping it from the pot. Use sharp, sterilized scissors or snips to cut off any damaged or dead roots.

    • 5

      Place the aeonium's roots into the new pot and fill it full with potting soil, pressing gently around the roots to release trapped air pockets. Water the soil slowly until water seeps from the bottom of the pot.