Home Garden

How to Repot Agapanthus

Perennial agapanthus flowers must be divided and repotted periodically, or they will outgrow their containers. Agapanthus is also called African lily because it has attractive, colorful blooms, but if left untended in a container it will eventually run out of room and fail to flower. The plant must be removed and divided every few years. If agapanthus isn't repotted properly, it won't survive the disruptive division process.

Things You'll Need

  • 12-inch pot
  • Potting soil


    • 1

      Fill a 12-inch pot with standard potting medium, stopping 3 inches from the top.

    • 2

      Bury divided agapanthus in the soil, placing all roots under the surface of the dirt. You should see a soil line that shows how deeply agapanthus was growing in its previous pot; try to line this up in the new pot.

    • 3

      Add more soil to the pot within 1 to 2 inches of the brim if needed.

    • 4

      Water thoroughly.

    • 5

      Place the agapanthus in a window where it receives full, direct sunlight.