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Directions for Growing Crown of Thorns

The crown of thorns is a member of the cactus family that originally comes from Madagascar. A tropical and spiny plant, it is able to grow in dry, windy locations and produces small flowers of varying colors. They are slow-growing but hardy, and if they are protected can continue to produce flowers year-round.

Things You'll Need

  • Crown of thorns cutting
  • 4- to 5-inch pot
  • Potting soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Broad-spectrum fungicide
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      Pot a small plant cutting in a 4- to 5-inch pot with potting soil mixed with a little bit of sand. Cuttings root quickly. Make sure that the soil is only slightly moist; this plant prefers drier soil. Keep the pot well-drained.

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      Put the pot in a warm, sunny place. Full sun will produce flowers, so it is best to keep it in direct sunlight and away from areas with only artificial light.

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      Use a broad-spectrum fungicide to keep the plant healthy while rooting. Crown of thorns does not have many disease problems because of its durable nature, but it is susceptible to fungal rot while growing. The fungicide will protect the roots until it matures.

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      Use fertilizer to moderate flowering. Slow-release fertilizer in solution at planting will be sufficient. When the plant is established, switch to a high-phosphorus fertilizer. The plant will not flower if it is overfertilized; keep fertilizer usage to a moderate level.

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      Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings once the roots are established. As the crown of thorns matures, you will need to move it to a larger pot to keep the plant from tipping over.