Home Garden

Pot Growing Herbs

Herbs add flavor to any culinary dish. While available fresh or dried in most food stores or specialty shops, growing your favorites in small containers provides you with that taste whenever needed. All herbs can be grown outdoors and most survive indoors with proper care. Plant herbs you use regularly in recipes.
  1. Basil

    • Basil is an excellent herb with tomato-based recipes.

      Basil is used in dishes from pizza to pot roast. It is one of the easiest to grow in a container or pot indoors or outside. Standing 12 inches tall, it forms a bushy plant featuring bright-green leaves and small, white flowers. Pick the leaves individually and add immediately to dishes. Indoors, it does best on a south- or west-facing window or with light from a standard florescent bulb. Consider placing the container outside in a sunny location once weather has turned warm to encourage growth. Basil is an annual plant and needs replacing when it dies back.


    • Chives, used fresh or dried, are an excellent addition to many recipes.

      Chives are a common herb and garnish used in many recipes. Considered a perennial, it can be started from seed and grows to approximately 12 inches tall. The spiky, purple flowers give off an onion-like smell. The leaves are thin and hollow and provide a subtle onion taste. They can be used fresh or dried. Place it outside in it's container during warm months. It likes sunny locations or florescent lights and well-drained soil. Harvest it by taking a pair of scissors and snipping the leaves close to the ground.

    Cilantro and Parsley

    • Cilantro is part of the parsley family.

      Cilantro is an herb from the parsley family that has many uses. Cilantro refers to the leaves of the plant, while coriander is the name for the seeds once they have been dried and separated from the pods. Parsley in any of variety as well as cilantro is an easily grown annual plant. Leaves of the parsley plant are used as decoration as well as in pestos or sauces. Cilantro leaves have a slight citrus flavor that differs from the parsley plant and is a mainstay in Spanish, Mexican and Latin cuisine.


    • Use dried lavender flowers in sachets.

      Lavender is easily grown in containers, especially in northern climates. It grows to 18 inches in height and is highlighted with tall, thin, spiky purple flowers. When dried, these flowers can be placed in sachets to freshen laundry. Distilled leaves and flowers can be used to scent perfumes and soaps.