Home Garden

How to Start a Crown of Thorns Cactus

Crown-of-thorns (euphorbia milii) is grown as an outdoor ornamental in warm, tropical climates or as a houseplant in colder areas. Its common name evolved from a legend that says the crown worn by Jesus at his crucifixion was made from the thorny branches of this plant. This cactus-like succulent plant is in the spurge family and native to Madagascar. It has dense, barbed stems and its petite blossoms come in bright yellow, orange, pink or red. Crown-of-thorns can be readily propagated with cuttings taken from the parent plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden gloves
  • Pruning shears
  • Glass of lukewarm water
  • Rooting hormone powder
  • Potting soil (sand/peatmoss/perlite)
  • Plant pot with drain holes
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    • 1

      Choose a healthy branch with ample leaves from the parent crown-of-thorns plant.

    • 2

      Cut a 3- to 4-inch segment of the branch across the stem at a 45-degree angle with pruning shears. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from the thorns and sap.

    • 3

      Place the crown-of-thorns cutting in a glass of lukewarm water immediately after cutting it. Leave it in the water until the sap stops flowing.

    • 4

      Remove the cutting from the water and dip it into the powdered rooting hormone. Cover the cutting with the powder to slightly above the depth it will be planted. Leave the cutting in the powder for 24 hours.

    • 5

      Fill the flowerpot with the potting soil, 1 to 2 inches from the top. Water the soil and let it drain into the pot's saucer or the sink.

    • 6

      Dig a hole in the potting soil with your hand after the 24-hour waiting period to the depth you want to plant the cutting. Remove the cutting from the rooting hormone and set it into the hole. Tamp the soil around the cutting with your hand to remove air pockets.

    • 7

      Set the planted cutting in a location that's at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Cuttings do best when kept away from direct sunlight.

    • 8

      Water the planted cutting when the soil feels dry to the touch, making sure excess water is removed from the pot's saucer.