Home Garden

How to Germinate Blueberry Seeds in Peat Moss

Blueberries are inherently American, native to this country and originally cultivated by Native Americans. Cultivating techniques used by Native Americans were quite advanced, too, burning the fields to stimulate growth. Researchers have proven this practice to be sound, according to Tom DeGomez, Extension Blueberry Specialist, at the University of Maine. While the home grower doesn’t need to worry about setting the garden alight, blueberries do require pruning to realize a good harvest. Easy to grow, even in containers, the best blueberry to start from seed is a lowbush variety and peat moss is the ideal growing medium. Start the blueberry seeds in January.

Things You'll Need

  • Peat moss
  • Bucket or planting pot
  • Long handled spoon or stir stick
  • Germination container
  • Newspaper
  • Plant misting bottle
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      Check the seed packet to determine if the seeds have been pre-stratified. If not, place them in the refrigerator for 90 days.

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      Choose the germinating container based on how many blueberry seeds you want to plant. A nursery flat holds more seeds while a pot is appropriate for just a few.

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      Fill a large bucket or planting pot with enough peat moss to fill the germinating container. Slowly pour water over it, while stirring, to moisten it completely. Pour the moss into the germinating container and rake it smooth with your hands or a spoon.

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      Scatter the blueberry seeds on top of the peat moss and cover them with a very thin layer of moist moss – no more than 1/4 inch.

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      Place a layer of newspapers over the container and leave it in an area where the temperature remains 60 to 70 degrees F. The seeds should germinate within one month.

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      Check the top layer of moss periodically during germination to ensure it remains moist. The best way to water the seeds is with a spray bottle, lightly misting the top layer of moss.

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      Place the germination container, without the newspaper, in the sun when the seeds germinate. Transplant the blueberry seedlings into individual pots when they reach 4 inches in height.