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Propagating Blueberries Aeroponically From Cuttings

Blueberries are among the plants that can be propagated through cuttings rooted aeroponically. An aeroponic growing system sprays nutrient-saturated water mist over plants’ stems and roots to support growth. The system uses no soil or tanks of water. Aeroponic growing systems consist of an electric pump and misting chamber to feed the roots, a lid with holes that fits on the misting chamber, and neoprene collars that fit into the holes to hold the blueberry cuttings.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp pruning knife
  • Aeroponic nutrient solution
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      Select a healthy, disease free blueberry plant of the desired variety. Cut off about 6 inches from the tips of the current year’s soft new shoots. Remove all but two large or three small leaves from cuttings. Take the cuttings in June before fruit buds form on the plant.

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      Insert the cuttings into neoprene holders appropriate for the aeroponic system. Leave about 2 inches of stem exposed to the nutrient solution mist. Insert holders into the holes in the aeroponic machine’s lid.

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      Add nutrient solution as directed by the manufacturer, or enough to cover the intakes for the misting pump and put the lid on the misting chamber. Place the system in an area that receives diffused sunlight all day.

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      Cycle the misting pump so it is on for 30 minutes and off for 30 minutes. Keep the air temperature around the plant and the nutrient solution temperature at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintain relative humidity at 65 percent. The cuttings should develop a root system and be ready to transplant within 30 days.