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How to Grow Blueberries Aeroponically

You can enjoy fresh, ripe blueberries all year long, growing them with a simple aeroponics system. This is a soil-free gardening system that utilizes intermittent misting methods to deliver water and nutrients to roots. Aeroponic gardening allows for the maximum root expansion of plants as well as unimpeded access to carbon dioxide, resulting in high-density growth in a fraction of the space needed for conventional gardening. With the right equipment and a strong grasp of indoor growing methods, you can grow your own blueberries aeroponically.

Things You'll Need

  • Self-pollinating blueberry seeds or seedlings
  • Nutrient solution
  • Oscillating fan
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      Research the kind of home aeroponics system you have the knowledge, skill, space and equipment to operate. Basic aeroponics gardening systems consist of a frame, an open lower chamber or reservoir in which roots can grow freely, pumps, high-intensity lights and neoprene collars which stabilize the plant in mesh pots that sit within the individual compartments of the frame. Ultrasonic nebulizers, also known as "foggers" or misting systems, deliver nutrient-rich water vapor to the roots.

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      Set up your aeroponics gardening system in an easy-to-clean indoor area with access to electricity. Some aeroponics systems look like large trays and occupy expansive areas, while others run vertically up walls to save space. Keep this and other features of your aeroponics system, like whether or not it automatically mists the roots or not, in mind when choosing a place to set it up.

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      Plant self-pollinating blueberry seeds in each compartment of your aeroponics gardening system. City Hydroponic notes that the roots of plants grown in aeroponics systems spend less than 1 percent of the time exposed to a mixture of water and a nutrient solution. Professionally-manufactured fertilizer solutions for home aeroponics systems are essential because they are guaranteed to have correct nutrient ratios, the proper pH buffering and will spray easily through the mist system without clogging.

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      Spray your blueberry seedlings once daily with a nutrient solution mist the aeroponics gardening system has generated. You can spray every other day, if your plants seem to tolerate it well. Monitor the growth and health of each individual plant, removing eaten or diseased specimens or leaves to prevent further damage. A small oscillating fan will help recreate a more natural environment for your plants.