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When Is It Safe to Plant Raspberries?

Raspberry plants are small and easy to plant. They grow quickly, producing a small crop the first or second year, and a mature yield by the third year. Planting times depend on your climate, as well as the type of plant you purchase.
  1. Bare Root

    • Bare root plants were dug from a nursery field before shipment. Their roots are stored in peat moss or sawdust to keep them moist. Plant bare root raspberries before new leaves emerge, while the plants are dormant. Plant them in early spring as soon as the soil is soft. Soak the roots in a bucket of water prior to planting.

    Potted Plants

    • Potted plants were grown in a greenhouse and are more tender than bare root plants. They are also more expensive, but are easier to establish. Plant potted plants in late spring.


    • Raspberry plants may harbor diseases that are difficult to eradicate. Don't take neighbor's plants or dig wild raspberries. Instead, buy certified disease-free plants from nurseries. Choose varieties adapted to your climate.