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When to Plant Ouachita Blackberries?

Developed by the University of Arkansas, Ouachita blackberries were released to the public in 2003. The plants are thornless, high-yielding and have 36- to 48-inch erect canes. The berries weigh six to six and one-half grams and are noted for their very good flavor and storage characteristics. Ouachita blackberry plants are sold as roots, bare root plants and potted plants. They are often planted in the fall through early spring.
  1. Root Cuttings

    • October is a popular month to plant Ouachita blackberry roots. However, the roots may be planted until mid-March as long as the soil is well-drained and not frozen. Plant the root crown no more than one-half inch below the soil surface in fertile, slightly acidic soil.

    Bare Root Plants

    • Many bare root Ouachita blackberry plants are planted in February. The soil must not be frozen or waterlogged. Set the plants in a bucket of water for several hours prior to planting so the roots do not dry out. Dig a hole larger than the diameter and depth of the roots. Spread roots in the hole and fill with soil.

    Potted Plants

    • Early spring is a common time to transplant Ouachita blackberries from the pot to the garden. Fall is also a desirable time to plant Ouachita blackberry plants. At the time of planting, trim back the canes (stems) to a length of six to eight inches.