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How to Plant Raspberries in California

The cool marine climate of California has the perfect conditions for growing raspberries. Unfortunately, this climate can lead to raspberries spreading wildly in a garden. In order to stop this, you should plant raspberries in a raised bed that is 8 to 10 inches high and 2 feet wide. This will stop the raspberry brambles from taking over other plants and shrubs. A well-maintained raspberry garden will produce raspberries for many years.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic matter
  • Rototiller
  • Pruning sheers
  • 12-12-12 fertilizer
  • Garden shovel
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    • 1

      Prepare your raspberry bed at least one year in advance of planting. Pull all weeds from the planting area and add a 2-inch layer of organic matter--such as compost or rotting leaves--over the bed.

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      Work the organic matter into the soil by running a rototiller over the raspberry bed.

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      Apply a 12-12-12 fertilizer to the soil. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for adding the fertilizer to the bed. Use the rototiller to work the fertilizer into the soil. This should be done at least one week before planting your raspberry plants.

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      Cut any damaged roots away from the raspberry plants using pruning sheers. The damaged roots will only weaken the plant after you plant it.

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      Dig a hole with a garden shovel that is no deeper than 2 inches. The hole will need to be as wide as the roots of your raspberry plant. When you place the plant in the ground spread the roots out across the hole.

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      Cover the raspberry plant's roots with the soil you removed for the hole. Use your hands to press down the soil around the raspberry plant. You want to eliminate any air holes that may be around the roots.

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      Water the plants with a garden hose. The area around the plants should be moist. Do not allow puddles of water to form in your bed.

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      Cut your plants back to about 6 inches in length, if this was not done by the nursery. You do not want to grow raspberries the first growing season. Your newly planted raspberry plants need time to establish.