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How to Plant Green Beans in Pots

Living in a place where yard space is limited does not automatically mean you cannot grow your own vegetables and enjoy fresh produce. Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension reports that most vegetables can successfully grow in pots. Both bush and pole green beans are on the list of vegetables that can grow in containers. Pole beans require space to climb because they vine, but do well in pots when provided with a trellis or other structure to climb on. Bush beans require less space.

Things You'll Need

  • Coarse gravel
  • 2-gallon buckets
  • Synthetic growing medium
  • Trellis or other support
  • Fertilizer
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      Place the pot in a location that receives between six and eight hours of full sun. Place the container next to a trellis or structure that vining green bean plants can climb.

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      Pour 1 inch of coarse gravel into the bottom of a 2-gallon container. Smooth the gravel so it covers the bottom of the pot evenly.

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      Fill the container to within 2 inches of the rim with a synthetic growing medium such as Bacto, Jiffy Mix, Jiffy Pro or Promix. Synthetic growing mediums are available for purchase at gardening centers.

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      Plant the green bean seeds at a depth of ½ inch and cover with growing medium. Plant green bean seeds at 1 inch intervals from one edge of the pot to the other. Plant several bush bean seeds in the middle of the pot.

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      Apply a fertilizer manufactured for vegetable plants. Follow all tips, warnings, suggestions and directions found on the manufacturer's packaging.

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      Thin established pole bean seedlings to 3 inches apart, leaving the healthiest plants. Thin established bush bean seedlings so only the strongest plant remains.