Home Garden

How Far Apart Do Bean Plants Need to Be?

The green beans you grow in the home garden are either bush beans or pole beans. Both types of beans do well when planted as a companion crop to corn. Each type of bean requires different spacing when planted.
  1. Pole Beans

    • When the soil is warm, space pole beans 4 to 6 inches apart. The rows of beans should be 30 to 36 inches apart from each other.

    Bush Beans

    • Bush beans are compact and require 2 to 4 inches between each plant. When you plant the bush beans, space the rows 18 to 24 inches apart. Thin the seedlings so the plants are at least 2 inches apart from each other.

    Succession Planting

    • You can have fresh beans all season long by spacing the first planting of bush beans further apart and, in two weeks, sow another planting of beans between the first. You can continue to reseed the garden every two weeks until six weeks before the first hard frost.