Home Garden

How Much Light Do Bean Plants Need?

When you start your garden this year, you have a variety of things to consider. Along with soil quality and moisture levels, sunlight is one of the top considerations. And, like most vegetables, beans may not thrive if they do not get the right amount of sunlight.
  1. Light

    • Beans need as much sunlight as possible. Choose a location that offers full sun exposure for the better part of the day. If you start your plants indoors, keep them near a window or other light source.

    Other Considerations

    • Beans grow best in fertile soil that is moist and well drained with a neutral to slightly acidic pH. They are a warm-season crop, and do best when all danger of frost has passed. Rotate your crops so that you don't plant beans in the same location year after year.

    Expert Insight

    • Plant beans -- particularly pole beans -- at the north end of your garden so that they receive sunlight without blocking other plants from the sun. Bean plants grow tall and can cast a heavy shadow.