Home Garden

How to Clip Basil Plants

Basil, "Ocimum basilicum," is an annual herb desirable for its ease of care and versatility in the kitchen. Used to season everything from tomato sauces to salads, the plant is also known to aid digestion. Basil grows best in a warm, sunny location in well-draining soil. Freezing temperatures will harm the plant, so home gardeners in temperate areas should protect their plants from late frosts or grow them in containers and bring them indoors. The leaves are the part of the plant that is harvested for use.

Things You'll Need

  • Clippers
  • Salt
  • Olive oil
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      Pinch off flower buds before they open. This will encourage the plant to produce more of the flavorful leaves.

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      Clip individual leaves off the plant, but leave the majority of the leaves on each stem. Otherwise, the plant will not continue to produce well. The University of Minnesota Extension suggests cutting off the end of the plant down to "just above a pair of leaves."

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      Continue to pinch off flower buds as they develop, and clip the leaves. Do not let the plant flower or go to seed, which may cause the leaves to taste slightly bitter.