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How to Remove Dead Basil Leaves

When a basil plant receives adequate sunshine and water throughout the growing season, it provides a generous supply of tasty basil leaves for cooking. The more you harvest sprigs of basil, the more the plant produces during the summer months. Examine the plant regularly, removing spent and dying leaves, to keep it thriving. With minimal maintenance, a basil plant should grow energetically.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
  • Bucket


    • 1

      Examine the basil plant early in the day after any dew evaporates from the foliage. Gently move the stems back and forth to check the undergrowth, looking for any leaves that may be turning yellow.

    • 2

      Clip off dead basil leaves with the pruning shears. Remove the dead foliage at a leaf node just above the point where the foliage appears dead.

    • 3

      Place the removed foliage into the bucket. Collect every piece of basil foliage in the bucket and discard it in the trash. Do not leave the foliage around the basil plant since this might introduce infection to the soil.

    • 4

      Check the basil plant for dead leaves once a week. Removing the foliage keeps the plant healthy and attractive.