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Annual Flowers That Grow in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania summers tend to be hot and humid, just the type of conditions that annual flowers love. You can plant annuals around Memorial Day, and they will last into September. Some varieties of annuals will even thrive until winter. Make sure your soil is fertile and gets plenty of sunlight, and these annuals will provide beautiful color. You may need to protect the annuals from animals, particularly rabbits and deer, especially in rural Pennsylvania.
  1. Sunflowers

    • Sunflowers are a Pennsylvania annual commonly seen in July and August, when they reach their peak. These rigid-stalked flowers grow to 3 to 15 feet high. The flower head may be red or white, but it is most commonly yellow. While impressive, the giant sunflowers are susceptible to weather damage. You can begin planting sunflowers after the last spring frost and continue planting them throughout the growing season. They grow well in average to rich soils, though rich soil is preferred for the giant sunflower. They also prefer sun.

    Tiger Eye

    • Tiger eye is a daisy-like flower that blooms quickly and serves as a good garden border. The petals are golden and surround dark-brown cones. Tiger eyes grow to be about 18 inches tall and will bloom for 11 weeks. The plant is disease-resistant and survives well in a wet climate, preferring a moist soil. It enjoys full sun.

    Pretty Much Picasso

    • Pretty Much Picasso is a bicolor petunia with heavy blooms. The flowers are trumpet shaped and lavender in color with green margins. Pretty Much Picassos are ornamental flowers that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Plant the flowers in the spring with full sun exposure. Make sure the soil is well-fertilized. While the flower is drought-tolerant, it does need to be well-watered in the spring until it gets established.


    • Cosmos is an aster annual. Though native to Mexico, it does well in Pennsylvania. It can grow up to 7 feet tall. The foliage is feathery with yellow centers and pink, white or red petals. The flowers can grow to be 4 inches across. Cosmos are disease- and pest-resistant. Cosmos should be planted in sun and shielded from heavy winds.