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Purslane Care

Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is a succulent plant that resembles a small jade plant. Small yellow flowers appear on the ends of branches that lie flat on the ground. Purslane is commonly grown in vegetable and herb gardens as an edible vegetable.
  1. Geography

    • The best place to grow purslane is in a sunny area with light-weight, good-draining soil. Purslane grows well in rocky areas. Loosen the soil to a depth of 12 inches and mix in 2 to 4 inches of compost.

    Time Frame

    • Sow the purslane seeds in the spring until early fall. Plant the wrinkled, black seeds only a 1/4-inch deep. The seeds will not germinate if planted deeper and will go dormant for up to 40 years.


    • Keep the soil moist to speed along growth. Purslane is drought resistant, but will be ready for harvest in four to six weeks when watered regularly. Keep the soil around purslane free of weeds.


    • Maintain control of this vigorously growing herb by not letting the plant go to flower. Purslane will produce an abundance of seeds and invade the surrounding landscape.