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Rhodochiton Care

Rhodochiton is a climbing vine native to Mexico. This frost-sensitive plant produces purple, bell-shaped flowers, a trait indicated in its common name: purple bell vine. Grow a rhodochiton on a trellis in the garden or against a structure, or plant it in hanging baskets or containers where the bell-shaped flowers can cascade over the side.
  1. Climate Conditions

    • Rhodochiton is a tender perennial vine. In mild frost-free climates, grow it year round in the garden. In colder areas, you can grow it as an annual. Just let it die back in late fall and start a new plant in spring. In containers, this vine grows well outdoors during spring, summer and early fall and can winter indoors. Rhodochiton flowers are long-lasting blooming from late spring through early fall.

    Outdoor Growing

    • Rhodochiton vines thrive in a spot in full sun or part shade and moist, deep soil conditions. Plant new starts out after the last frost date has passed. Tender new plants are particularly susceptible to a late-season frost so make sure winter is really gone before you plant. Fertilize the plants in spring and again in early summer using a slow-release balanced fertilizer. Prune the vine back after the last flowers fade. In cold climates, cut it down to the ground after the first frosts.

    Container Culture

    • Plant rhodochiton vines in patio planters, indoor pots and hanging baskets. Use a well-draining potting soil mix. A combination of one part perlite, one part potting soil and two parts peat moss provides a light, well-draining environment. Fertilize container-grown rhodochiton vines once a month. Use a balanced water-soluble fertilizer and dilute it to one-quarter the strength indicated on the package label. Prune the plant back after the blooming period is over. Move rhodochiton indoors before temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Starting Seeds

    • When growing rhodochiton as an annual in the garden, you can collect the seeds in fall and use them to start new plants. Collect the seeds when the seed pods dry on the vine. Start seeds in early winter. Rhodochiton seeds need anywhere from 14 to 45 days to germinate and another four to six weeks to develop for planting. Keep the seeds in soil with a temperature between 77 and 86 degrees during germination.