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How to Tie a Star Jasmine

Star jasmine is a vine that produces fragrant flowers. It can grow up to 40 feet tall and is referred to as a climber although it can be used in hanging baskets as well. The plant requires training and a heavy support structure to grow on. The plant is also called confederate jasmine, but it is not a true jasmine and is instead in the family Trachelospermum. Star jasmine has a potential 20 foot spread and will respond well to pruning as you train it up a fixture.

Things You'll Need

  • Trellis
  • Shovel
  • Mallet
  • Plant ties
  • Scissors
  • Pruners
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      Erect a trellis for the star jasmine. It is best to start training right after planting as the tangle of mature growth can be difficult to sort out. Dig holes for the posts of the trellis at least 6 to 8 inches deep. Set the posts and fill in with soil. Use a soft mallet if necessary to further submerge the trellis.

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      Use soft plant ties to loosely train the first stems to the bottom rung of the trellis. Secure them lightly to a rung and feed any excess through the trellis holes. Soft ties will not bite into the tender stems of the star jasmine.

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      Check the plant weekly and weave new growth through, securing it as you go. The lower plant ties may be removed and used on upper growth as the plant matures and becomes stable on the trellis.

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      Prune the jasmine in early spring to remove errant growth that sticks out away from the trellis, or that is too wide for the trellis. Cut back to the next growing point or node.

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      Tie a horizontal wire or string across the top of the trellis over a window, pergola or other structure. This will allow you to attach the star jasmine in an arching form, and provide a fragrant and beautiful bower.