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How to Trim a Star Jasmine

Star jasmine plants are composed of short stalks with oval leaves. These woody vines are known for their powerful fragrance and majestic white flowers. Star jasmine can be grown in pots or in the garden. In either case, if given plenty of water and direct sunlight, star jasmine plants can grow quickly. Thus, it is important that your trim them often to maintain their attractive appearance.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden shears
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      Inspect your star jasmine plants for any wilted, hanging or overgrown branches.

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      Cut off any wilted or overgrown branches at a 45-degree angle with a pair of pruning shears.

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      Prune your star jasmine plants after the flowers have blossomed in the mid-to-late spring. Cut the vines and branches back roughly one foot on established vines to encourage new growth.

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      Avoid pruning or trimming your star jasmine vines in the fall or winter. Spring is the best time to prune these plants.