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How to Put Peat Moss in a Compost Pile

As organic matter, peat doesn't provide significant nutrition. You use it to improve aeration and water circulation of clay and sandy soil and to maintain soil acidity. Since peat is also sterile, it makes for a good medium for germinating seeds. In your compost pile, peat moss is a source of carbon, which keeps the structure light and airy as matter decomposes, and it reduces odor.

Things You'll Need

  • Peat moss
  • Warm water
  • Garden fork
  • Shovel
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    • 1

      Blend 1 inch of peat moss with every 4 inches of compost material. Soak peat in warm water before you put it in the pile to keep it from sucking up moisture. Once you finish building your starter compost pile, mix all layers with a garden fork once a week.

    • 2

      Cover the surface of your compost pile with 2 inches of moist peat moss, after you turn it each week, to reduce odor.

    • 3

      Begin to use your compost to amend garden soil when the material in the center of the pile turns brown and disintegrates when handled. Take as much as you need out of the compost bin with a shovel and mix an equal amount of moist peat moss with it. Incorporate the blend into the soil or apply it as mulch around the base of your plants.