Home Garden

How to Create a Compost Pile

Making a compost pile is an inexpensive way to recycle used organic materials into am ongoing supply of organic fertilizer for a garden. A home compost pile can be made on the ground or in a number of commercial bins, barrels and tumblers made for composting.


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      Choose the perfect place for a compost pile. If you have yard space for the pile, choose a place that gets partial sunlight and that will be warm throughout the day. If the space has full sunlight, it can actually get too hot and the compost can be ruined. The spot you choose should also have plenty of air flow to help the materials to decompose.

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      Use a compost tumbler or a compact compost barrel of box if you don't have the outdoor space for a large compost pile. A compost tumbler is a small, compact tumbler that turns compost to mix the materials and provide air flow in a small amount of space. A compost barrel or box will allow you to quickly create a compost pile in a compact space.

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      Pile organic materials in a pile that measures three to five wide to create a ground compost pile. The pile must be this size to speed up the natural decomposition process that occurs in a compost pile. Choose grass clippings, leaves, very small twigs and other vegetation in your compost pile. Hay, sawdust and leftover vegetables can be used in a compost pile, but avoid adding meat. Adding leftover meat from meals can attract animals to your pile who will disturb the composting process.

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      Add a thin layer of soil over the vegetation every once in a while to introduce soil microbes to the compost. These are useful for breaking down the materials and creating your organic fertilizer.