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How to Grow Schizanthus

Schizanthus pinnatus, known also as poor man’s orchid or butterfly flower, produces flowers that bloom in a wide variety of colors such as pink, white, blue and purple. The flowers bloom in spring to the early fall. You can find the hidden green foliage beneath the abundant flower blooms. The plant requires a moderate amount of humidity and grows best in full sunlight. The plant can reach up to 18 inches tall.

Things You'll Need

  • All-purpose potting soil
  • Perlite
  • Peat moss
  • 20-20-20 water-soluble fertilizer
  • Garden hose
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      Plant the butterfly flower in high-quality, loose and all-purpose potting soil. Add perlite and peat moss to compacted soils until they are aerated and loose.

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      Fine a location that has light shade and receives full sunlight once the soil temperature reaches 60 degrees. A south- or west-facing window or area outdoors works well. The plants grow best in warm climates and do not thrive in extremely hot or cold areas.

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      Remove healthy schizanthus plants from their original growing containers. Plant the flowers in their new location at the same soil level as the previous containers. Space the plants 12 inches apart.

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      Water the flowers with room-temperature water after you plant them. Water the soil regularly to keep it moist. Mist the plant with warm water daily to help increase the humidity.

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      Apply a water-soluble fertilizer in the spring until the first frost arrives. Follow the fertilizer package instructions carefully.

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      Examine the butterfly flowers carefully for aphids. Aphids are small insects that invade the undersides of leaves. Spray the plants with a strong force of water from a garden hose to knock aphids off the plants.