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How to Seal a Driveway Made With Recycled Asphalt

Sealing benefits all types of asphalt driveways, but can help you use your recycled asphalt driveway without tracking black streaks all over your home and car. The recycled product already contains high amount of line paint, oil and rubber, which can rub off of the driveway and onto another surface. Sealing helps keep the asphalt moist and flexible and stops asphalt tracking. Seal your recycled asphalt driveway at least 90 days after installation, up to 12 months after installation. Work on a clear day when no rain is forecast.

Things You'll Need

  • Hose
  • Stiff bristle scrub brush
  • Oil cleaner (optional)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Protective goggles (optional)
  • Face mask (optional)
  • Application broom or squeegee
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      Choose an asphalt driveway sealer that meets your budget. Premium and most expensive, acrylic sealers often last six to eight years in between re-sealing, notes building expert Tim Carter. Mid-range sealers with refined coal tar protect the driveway from oil drippings and maintain elasticity. On the low end, simple emulsified asphalt offers the minimum level of protection.

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      Read over the directions on your sealer before you begin. This will tell you how long the product needs to cure before you use the driveway and how many hours you need to wait in between coats.

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      Wash the driveway with water. Use a stiff bristled scrub brush to dislodge dirt and grime from the surface. If your driveway already has oil drippings, use an oil cleaner to get them up before sealing.

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      Moisten the whole driveway surface with water right before you apply the sealer, since the moisture helps the sealer go on. If the driveway dries out while you work, moisten it again.

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      Put on rubber gloves to protect your hands. For some driveway sealers, protective goggles and a face mask are recommended. The label on your sealer will tell you if this is the case.

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      Shake the sealer thoroughly to ensure it is well mixed for even coverage.

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      Pour a small amount of sealer on one area of your driveway. With an application broom or squeegee, push the sealer over the recycled asphalt to cover it in a thin layer.

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      Pour more sealer once you have covered one area. As before, push the sealer over the asphalt in one thin layer.

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      Allow the sealer to dry the recommended wait time. Add one more coat, applying it in the same manner as the first coat.