Home Garden

How to Decorate a Yard With Large Rocks

Large rocks can provide interest to an otherwise ho-hum landscape. But don't simply place the rock in the first empty space you see. Instead, take some time to think about your yard and where the rocks would look best. Whatever your decision, it's important to make the rocks look as natural as possible--like part of the landscape--so they are not an awkward presence in the midst of your yard.

Things You'll Need

  • Gravel
  • Large flat-topped stones
  • Tape measure
  • Shovel
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    • 1

      Make gravel pathways up to your front door or through your garden and place large, flat-topped stones on top as steppingstones.

    • 2

      Measure the base of a large rock and dig a 4- to 6-inch-deep hole by a tree or in a flowerbed that is a little wider than the base of the rock. Place the rock in the hole and fill in with the original dirt.

    • 3

      Place large rocks as stand-alone features within a Zen garden. Surround with smaller plants or gravel to create a contrast.

    • 4

      Create a border for a tree or flower garden by placing large rocks in a circle, rectangle, square or oval.