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How to Decorate a Room With a Large Sectional

When decorating a room with a large sectional sofa, select functional yet stylish items that complement the style of the room and blend with the desired theme or interior style. Also pay attention to the placement of the items so they blend in and appear as if they belong to the room instead of standing out. Sectionals offer large seating without taking up much space, so position it against the main wall of the room, serving as a focal point, and match other elements with its style and color.


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      Paint the walls of the room a color that matches the shade of the fabric on the sectional to create a harmonious and cohesive style. For instance, paint the wall behind a neutral sectional a bold color to draw the eye. Conversely, consider pastel or neutral shades for sectionals covered in bright, bold and cheerful fabrics.

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      Place an ottoman or loveseat across the sectional to provide additional seating. Ensure that its upholstery matches the sectional.

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      Place a square or round coffee table in front of the sectional to provide room for newspapers, magazines, fresh flower arrangements, decorations or other items. Also place an end table on one side of the sectional sofa. Ensure that the height and style of the table complements the sectional.

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      Place a tall potted plant behind the shorter side of the sectional to add natural color to the space. Select easy-care houseplants such as bamboo or pine in decorative planters or pots that blend with the interior design.

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      Spread a rug in front of the sectional to create a comfortable seating arrangement. Use natural fibers to offset a bright sectional, or spread a plush or shag rug in a bold color to add color to the space if the sectional fabric is light or neutral.

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      Display a large framed painting or portrait on the wall behind the longer side of the sectional to enhance its appeal. Make sure the colors of the artwork complement the colors of the room and bind the different elements together. Alternatively, mount a large framed mirror on the wall to add depth to a smaller room, or display family photos, collectables or artwork by children to create an eye-catching arrangement.

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      Place a tall floor lamp behind the corner of the sectional to illuminate the area and create a reading nook. Available in a variety of shapes, sizes and styles, floor lamps add height to the space and make it appear more open.