Home Garden

How to Remove Film, Calcium & Lime From Cookware & Dishes

Cookware and dishes sometimes acquire a white, flaky or hazy residue over time. This film is the result of minerals such as magnesium and calcium that are present in "hard" tap water. Water that comes into contact with surfaces on dishes and cookware leaves behind mineral spots, which are often referred to as "calcium deposits," "lime" or "hard water scale." Remove these types of deposits by using a non-toxic, inexpensive household cleaner.

Things You'll Need

  • White vinegar
  • Cloths
  • Dish soap
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    • 1

      Prepare a solution of equal parts hot water and white vinegar.

    • 2

      Immerse the dishes and cookware into the solution. All of the stained surfaces need to be covered by the liquid mixture.

    • 3

      Wait 30 minutes as the vinegar and hot water dissolves the deposits.

    • 4

      Wet a clean cloth and squirt a few drops of liquid dish soap onto the cloth.

    • 5

      Wipe out each item with the soapy cloth.

    • 6

      Rinse each item. Dry the dishes and cookware with a soft, lint free cloth.