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How to Remove Water Stains from a Powder Coating

Powder coating is sprayed on a surface, then heated until the individual powder particles melt together. This process produces a surface that is hard and resistant to stains, but that does not mean that you will never have a problem. If you do experience problems with water stains on your powder-coated items, you need to use the right cleaner to get rid of them.

Things You'll Need

  • Lime scale cleaner
  • Soft cloth
  • Scrubber pad
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      Spray a lime scale remover directly on the hard-water stains and calcium deposits that have accumulated on the powder-coated surface. You can find lime scale removers at home improvement warehouses, hardware stores and janitorial supply centers.

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      Wait 15 minutes for the lime scale remover to work. Wipe the remaining lime scale remover away with a soft cloth.

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      Rinse the powder-coated item with warm water. Use a scrubber brush to remove any remaining water stains. Continue to clean the water stains until no more remain.

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      Rinse the powder-coated items thoroughly. It is important to remove all the acid from the lime scale cleaner you applied.