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How to Remove Lime From a Stainless Steel Electric Teapot

Stainless steel electric teapots sometimes accumulate stains known as lime scale or hard water scale. This type of residue arises when minerals such as magnesium and calcium in the water react with the teapot's surface. Periodically cleansing a teapot from lime buildup is necessary for keeping your teapot functioning properly and looking its best. Remove lime from your electric teapot using a gentle, natural and inexpensive household item.

Things You'll Need

  • White vinegar
  • Cleaning sponge
  • Cloths
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    • 1

      Unplug the teapot and fill it with equal parts warm water and white vinegar. Wait for about 20 minutes as the vinegar dissolves the lime.

    • 2

      Sponge out the inside of the teapot with a cleaning sponge. Wipe the outside of the pot as well.

    • 3

      Rinse the teapot with water.

    • 4

      Fill the pot with equal parts water and white vinegar once more.

    • 5

      Plug the teapot in and allow it to heat.

    • 6

      Unplug the teapot and pour out the liquid.

    • 7

      Run plain water through the teapot several times to cleanse the vinegar taste and smell.

    • 8

      Wipe the teapot clean with a lint free cloth before storing it.