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How to Clean Mold Off of Particleboard

Mold pollutes the air inside the home causing severe health problems in some people. Mold is fungi and produces spores that become airborne and spread throughout the home. Spores from mold may aggravate respiratory problems such as asthma as well as cause skin irritations in some people. Allergies to mold spores may develop in healthy people with continued exposure. Particle board is a common building material for homes and furnishings and is cleaned in a straightforward manner using household cleaners. Cleaning mold from particle board and other surfaces requires time and effort.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Medium-bristle brush
  • Non-ammonia detergent
  • Bleach
  • Fan
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      Treat mold affected areas by first misting them with a spray bottle of clean water. This procedure keeps the mold spores from going airborne during the cleaning process.

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      Scrub the affected areas on non-porous particle board thoroughly with a medium-bristle brush and a non-ammonia detergent until you've completely removed the mold.

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      Mix a solution of ¼ cup bleach to 1 gallon water. Use a spray bottle to apply the solution liberally to the particle board.

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      Allow the solution to set on the particle board for 20 to 30 minutes.

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      Rinse the particle board with clear running water.

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      Dry the particle board quickly and completely by placing a fan to blow on the wet area. Open the area to outside ventilation where possible.